July 03, 2011

Day 2 - Ouch!

What in the world made me think I could spin lace weight?  Who knew that it would take twice the amount of time to spin which meant I spent twice as much time on that hard wooden stool?!  Mercy, let me tell you about the pain!  But - it was worth it.

Today's entry is Sock Pixie's wool and soy in Willow.  So far I was able to spin only one small spool and one half spool of the laciest lace weight I'm capable of spinning:

It took all of my strength to draft this fiber, I was pulling and tugging, but once again, Sock Pixie does not disappoint.  After drafting, the fiber was so soft, silky and the colors so pretty it had to be lace weight.  I've never been able to spin lace, but I made a few wheel adjustments so now all I have to do is keep my fingers crossed.

Yesterday's entry, Persimmon, turned into a nice skein of yarn too.  Here it is, unwashed and unmeasured, but those details will come later:

It's more pink than I thought, but it's still very pretty.

And today I made another attempt at spinning with the trindle.  Lord give me strength, it takes forever, and I hardly feel like I'm getting anywhere.  A Ravelry member told me it looks like Easter eggs.  She's right:

I am hoping for the best with this yarn.  Spinning with the trindle is like real work.  Once started, you are committed.  It's not like I could change my mind or something because spinning the rest of the fiber on a wheel wouldn't be anywhere near the same weight.  Oy!  (Besides, wouldn't that be cheating?)

Now I'm off to finish spinning my second spool of lace weight, and then I can get to the trindle.   And if the sun isn't up by then, maybe I'll get to prepare tomorrow's entry.  Save the Queen, my shoulders hurt!

1 comment:

  1. That lace weight singles look gorgeous! Persimmon is lovely too. I usually spin a little thinner than I do know for TdF, because as you said, it takes forever, and I want to get through more of my fiber stash. I'm surprised it's just your shoulders that hurt. Last night in bed, I noticed that besides my elbows, and hands, my knee, and my behind hurt as well. Like a real cyclist I guess. :o)
