November 07, 2008

Remember This?

It's my Nana's shawl.

Well, it MIGHT be - if I ever learn to count. I believe that I learned MATH, but I just can't remember any of it when I'm working on this pattern.My situation was so dire, I actually asked my friend Aylin O. for help - and I taught her to knit! (I'm jealous of her talent, by the way).

I wrote her a lovely note that went like this:

Aylin, I'm having a hard time with this pattern. I think the pattern writer mistook the words "chart" and "rows". I can take a joke (unless it's on me), but I don't think the designer knows math. (yeah, that's right, blame the designer!) Please read the chart, translate it, write it down and give it to me today. Thanks. (Was that bossy? - I think so!)

So she did (thanks Aylin!!). Things were going along just fine until I made a mistake that I can't find and now I'm thinking I should just run the shawl over with my car. I won't - but I want to.

I'm going to get myself a cup of coffee and a couple of these:

And practice counting.

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