April 10, 2014

It's a Beautiful Day

It might be spring according to the calendar, but according to the temperatures around here - well, all I'm saying is don't leave home without a scarf.  It looks so sunny outside, and from the window it looks warm and wonderful so I took a walk to my back yard dressed thusly:

My jacket and my Haberdashery Cowl:

My Cup of Tea socks:

While I was taking those photos I glanced over and saw these 'eggs' growing in the dirt.  I don't know what they are, other than pretty, but there's only two of them and from where I was standing I thought they really were eggs:

Feeling inspired, I took myself for a little ride to a couple of different points at Clasons Point (again), only this time I had a cohort, Mary Jo, who took me to someone's back yard for a better view and his back porch is so huge he has his own goldfish pond:

I didn't want to invade his privacy any more than necessary, so I aimed my camera towards the Point.  I had no idea there's a boat entry ramp that allows you to take your boat right into the Bronx River:

And there's public access to a jetty which, if you're daring enough to withstand the river spray, you can grab your lawn chair and soak up some sun.  Just don't stand up if your chair isn't weighted.

And I thought to myself how fortunate I am to be able to walk to a place that is so well kept, peaceful and quiet during the day.  Yes, it was windy and freezing cold, but it made me feel better about having to go home and do the stuff I don't want to do, like dinner and dishes.

I hope you were able to do something with your day today that made you feel invigorated and ready to face whatever comes next in your life.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the "eggs" are crocus.

    And, it sounds like you had a very nice day. :-)
