October 15, 2013

The Last Bit

I am pleased to announce that Spinzilla has ended.  The goal was to spin as much fiber as possible in one week and that's what I did.  I'm happy to have participated and because of it, I participated in my first Google 'hangout' with Laura Linneman of The Knit Girllls and friends.  Now there's a new piece of technology that I will hopefully remember if it ever comes up again.

In an effort to stash down more than an effort to get yardage, I spun the Cheviot.  Worst experience of my spinning life!  It was not my intention to spin anything that would be toil and trouble, but that's what I got and I wasted two days on it.  It wasn't a bad fiber, it just needed a lot of prep work which I did not do.  Dang!

The second fiber was North American Wool which was clean and soft and wonderful to spin.  Boring, I'll admit, but after the Cheviot fiasco I couldn't have been happier.  I got better yardage and it felt good.

Next was Rhinofluff BFL.  Color at last!  I just couldn't pick another white fiber to spin without going stark raving mad.  I got 185 yards of Navajo (chain) plied yarn.  It's not quite done (unwashed), but I'm sure it's going to be perfect when it is:

Last up was some Polwarth from Into the Whirled ... in the Calico blue colorway.  I split the braid in two, but I was only able to spin up one half of the fiber.  Drats!  I powered through knowing that every inch of fiber added to my total.  It's not measured yet, I won't be able to do that until later today.  I have until midnight to turn in my final number.

So far I have spun, in one week mind you, over 1400 yards of fiber (not including the the last bit).  Woo hoo!

Now that Spinzilla is behind me (mostly), I'm going back to knitting.  I'm going to have a field day since my knitting list is long and the time from now until Christmas is short.  Yikes!

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