I knew there was cause for concern when something from upstairs dripped downstairs into my kitchen. Fearing beyond belief that it was the toilet and the contamination that could be happening over my stove, I called the plumber and he fixed my loose toilet which he said was loose but wasn't leaking and my tub looked fine. OK. The leak in the kitchen stopped and I assumed everything was fine.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and my son told me that after his shower, he noticed the kitchen floor wet. So I turn on the shower and ask him to wait downstairs to see what happens. In a few minutes he says, "It's raining in the kitchen!" Sure enough the water is dripping from several places.
I call the plumbers again and in comes Ricky and Dwayne. Nice enough guys. They showed up at 4-ish and said they would be done promptly at about 10p.
Gulp! Guess there won't be any dinner cooked on this night. They went to work.
First they pulled the wood of the soffit to expose the pipe and made a little hole in the ceiling:
Not too bad. How much trouble would it be to replace a couple of tiles? So I went into the living room and tried to ignore the noise coming from the kitchen while I did a little spinning. Until I heard a saw, and heard banging. So I went to have a peek:
Bigger hole and crap all over the kitchen floor and I'm looking up at the bath tub and it's related pipes. OMG!
So, I went back into the living room to spin and tried not to hear stuff hitting the floor and my stove, not to mention what germs were swirling around in the kitchen now. Ugh!
When all was said and done, I ended up with this:
But I was out $1300 bucks, and some of it was my NY Sheep & Wool Festival budget!
No more raining in the kitchen, but the hole has to stay open until the wood that was below the leak dries, six weeks he said. Six weeks of staring up at my new pipes.
Moving along, I did finish the socks I made for Yvette. They're called Embossed Leaves which can be found
here, and made with Koigu KPPMG, 1 1/2 skeins worth because the knitting gods never let me run out of any yarn - ever. I used US #2 for the cuff and US #1 for the socks because Yvette has tiny little size 6 feet.
Nifty little pair of socks and cuter than they look on the blockers.
And as for the spinning, well ... it's not a good idea to spin when the plumbers are whacking away bits of your house and you're concerned about what's falling out of the ceiling, but I managed.
This is merino/tussah from Cloverleaf farms, one of the millions of braids of merino I'm trying to pare down so I can have room in the fiber cabinet for my new stash that I was planning to buy this weekend.
Now all I have to do is figure out how I'm going to function for weeks with the hole in my ceiling. I just pray that there's no wildlife living in there!