But I went to get the camera and I heard this thumping noise. It was Little Miss Kitty playing with something - banging it up against the wall. And the she was laying down with it. I didn't pay much attention.
And then I noticed it was green - and white - and OH MY GAHHHHH!!!! NO!
Are you kidding?! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo way!
Guess which one she got?
How'd she get the button all he way over there? Um ... I don't know ... maybe she pulled a stitch out while she held one half of the bootie in her fangs while she scratched at it with her back claws.
The only reason she's still alive is because I can knit pretty quick when I'm trying to avoid tying her to a brick in the middle of traffic.
Fortunately, the third bootie was done in record time and Little Miss Kitty managed to keep all 9 of her lives.
For now.
Phew! That was close, Little Miss Kitty!