May 13, 2014

Punta From Start to New Beginning

Some time ago, I purchased some Punta fiber from She Spins because it was pretty and I'd never heard of Punta.  I was intrigued by the fiber, but was sucked in by the colors.

I'm always willing to try something new and lately I've been doing a lot of spinning.  The colorway is Fall 05, but I think the colors look more like Summer, so I put off spinning it.  Not that it matters when it gets spun, just that I spin it well enough to make something out of it.

When it was all done up: I was tickled pink (and orange and yellow and ...):

My 2-ply yarn had 423 yards..  I was trying to figure what I could make with all that yardage and started the Crocus Shaw, l but nixed it because the colors of the shawl were being drowned out by the pattern and all I could see was the vertical striping which I wasn't pleased with.

A short Ravelry search (I searched by yardage), and found the Oaklet Shawl by Megan Goodacre, and I was smitten.  So I started knitting and in the end, this is what was left:

But this is the result:

The shawl is just the right size, just the right colors for Fall or Summer, and I a love the way the stripes lined up on both sides of the shawl almost perfectly.

Amazing how string turns into things, isn't it?

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